Our Rental Program provides affordable housing for income eligible individuals and families by placing you in available rental units that our team owns. Click here to see the minimum and maximum income limits for this program.
Rental Program

Program Application
To confirm your eligibility, you must complete the application and provide the following documents:
- Birth certificates for all family members in the household
- Social security cards for all family members in the household
- CDIB cards for all enrolled members in the household
- Income Verification for all household members over the age of 18
You are required to list all residents in your home on the family admission form/record/application for continued occupancy. Any visitors who stay in your home for an extended period (more than 90 days) are subject to inclusion on the official record.
All applicants will be screened for desirability.
If you are eligible, you will be placed on a waiting list. To remain on the list, you are responsible for updating your application on an annual basis, which is done by completing a Statement of Continued Interest form and returning it to our office.
Monthly Rent and Deposit
Payments are due on the first day of the month without billing/prior notice. All payments can be made at our office, located at 1918 E Gore Blvd, Lawton, Okla. 73501. We accept cashier’s checks and money orders, in addition to an ACH (automated clearing house) debit, which may also be electronically set up to withdraw monthly rent payments from your bank account.
Monthly rent is calculated at 20% of the adjusted annual household income and is no less than the monthly administrative fee ($100.00) set by our team.
If applicable, you are also required to register family pets and pay a $150 non-refundable pet deposit. An application must be submitted and approved for all cats, dogs and birds living on the property. Click here to learn more about the rules and restrictions that apply to pet ownership.
Re-certification determines and adjusts the rent payment to be charged. You are required to recertify on an annual basis. The date for re-certification will be the anniversary of your move-in date (initial occupancy). After the annual re-certification process is complete, an adjustment in payment will be made effective the month immediately following the re-certification. You may voluntarily request a re-examination of income and/or re-certification if you feel that circumstances have affected your monthly-required payment. Reasons for interim re-certification are as follows:
- Tenant loses job/income
- Tenant retires
- Tenant passes away and there is a loss of income
- Tenant moves out and there is change of income and family composition
- Tenant changes job or gets a big raise
- Tenant has a baby
- Tenant certified as unemployed get a job
- Tenant experiences a substantial increase in allowances
- Tenant turns 62
Maintenance Department
Our maintenance department consists of specialty crews created to ensure quality work through highly qualified and skilled personnel, including heat and air, electrical, plumbing, flooring, roofing, siding, framing, concrete finishing, remodeling, painting and fencing.
Programs supported by our maintenance department include:
- Low Rent Maintenance – Maintaining safe, decent and adequate homes throughout our rental program.
- Elder Program – If you are 62 years of age or older, you qualify for emergency work to be performed on your home even if it’s not in our inventory. Click here for details on our Elder Program.
Pet Policy for Rental/Student Housing Tenants
Pet Permit Application
Fill out a Pet Permit application online. Applications can also be obtained from our office.
Statement of Intent
These policies are intended to ensure pet ownership does not interfere with the rights of all residents to enjoy clean, quiet and safe surroundings and to protect our property.
A. No pet will be brought onto the premises until an application for a pet permit has been submitted and approved by our team. The application must be accompanied by a $150.00 non-refundable deposit.
B. Pet owners must update their pet registration with our team annually. The application will serve as the initial registration, with annual updates to be completed at the time of your required annual income recertification. Along with the original application and with each annual registration update, you will furnish the following:
1. Certificate signed by a licensed veterinarian stating that the pet has received all inoculations required by state and local law.
2. Information sufficient to identify the pet and to demonstrate that it is a common household pet. A photograph is the recommended form of identification.
3. The name, address and phone number of at least one responsible party who will care for the pet in the event of death, incapacitation or absence of the owner.
4. A letter from the person designated as the alternate pet custodian indicating their willingness to accept responsibility for the pet in the event of death, incapacitation or absence of the owner.
5. A current license issued by the appropriate authority of the City of residency.
Type of Pets Allowed
A. Permitted pets are domesticated dogs, cats and birds. Tropical fish will also be acceptable, and no pet deposits are required for fish.
B. Three (3) pet per household will be permitted, with the exception of fish, where one aquarium will be permitted.
C. Vicious and/or intimidating or dangerous pets will not be allowed. “Dangerous pet” means any pet that:
1. Has inflicted severe injury on a human being or another animal without provocation on public or private property.
2. Endangers the safety of humans or other animals by aggressively attacking in an apparent attempt to inflict severe injury.
3. Dogs shall not be declared dangerous if the threat, injury or damage was sustained by a person who, at the time was unlawfully present upon the premises occupied by the owner or keeper of the pet, or was tormenting, abusing or assaulting the pet or was committing or attempting to commit a crime under any federal, state or local law. For the purpose of this policy, a person is considered to be lawfully present upon the property of a pet owner or keeper when he is on such property in the performance of any duty imposed upon him by the laws of the state, by the laws of the United States, the postal regulations of the United States, when reading meters, making repairs to any public utility or service located on the premises, when working on said property at the request of the owner, keeper or any tenant having a lease upon any portion of said property or when on such property upon the invitation, expressed or implied, of the owner, keeper or lessee of such property.
4. “Provoke” or “provocation” means, with the respect to an attack by an animal, that the animal was hit, kicked or agitated by teasing or struck by a person with an object or part of a person’s body or that any part of the animal’s body is pulled, pinched or squeezed by a person or attacked, threatened or bitten by another animal.
5. “Severe injury” means any physical injury that reasonably results in hospitalization or medical treatment.
Dogs and cats must be licensed yearly as required by the city or county of residence. You must abide by all provisions of the ordinances of the city in which you live regarding the keeping of dogs and cats.
Control of Pets
You will not permit your pet to disturb, interfere or diminish the peaceful enjoyment of other residents. If complaints about minor activities/disturbances of a pet arise, we will issue two warnings and the third incident within any 12-month period will result in eviction of the pet or the pet owner. Complaints of a more serious nature may result in the immediate eviction of the pet or pet owner.
A. Pets shall not be allowed to run free and must be contained or on a leash when outside the residence.
B. Birds must be confined to a cage at all times.
C. Homeownership and Rental residents are required to keep the pet in a fenced yard. You will not alter the unit, patio or unit area in order to create an enclosure for any pet.
Disposal of Pet Waste
A. You are solely responsible for cleaning up pet droppings, if any, outside the unit and on facility grounds. Removable pet waste must be disposed of by being placed in a sack, sealed and then in your own garbage can outside your unit.
B. You must provide litter boxes for cat waste. You will not permit refuse from litter boxes to accumulate nor to become unsightly or unsanitary.
C. You will take adequate precautions and measures necessary to eliminate pet odors within or around the unit and will always maintain the unit in a sanitary condition. We may require more frequent housekeeping inspections for residents with pets.
D. We will impose a separate pet waste non-removal fine of $60.00 per occurrence on pet owners that fail to remove pet waste in accordance with the requirements above.
Unattended Pets
If pets are left unattended for a period of twenty-four (24) hours or more, we may enter your unit, remove the pet and transfer it to the proper authorities, subject to the provisions of pertinent local ordinances. We are not responsible for the animal under any circumstances.
Strays and Litters
You are prohibited from feeding or harboring stray animals. The feeding of stray animals will constitute having a pet without our written permission. No guests or any other person may bring a pet temporarily onto the premises. If you are acting as a temporary pet caretaker, a pet deposit must be made and the care must be limited to two weeks or less.
You are responsible for all damages caused by your pets, including the cost of cleaning of carpets and/or fumigation of units. Additionally, if you own a dog or cat and your residence becomes infested with fleas or ticks to the extent it requires treatment, you will be charged for the cost of the treatment.
The privilege of maintaining a pet in one of our facilities will be subject to the rules set forth in this policy. This privilege may be revoked at any time if the animal should become destructive, create a nuisance, represent a threat to the safety and security of other residents or create a problem related to cleanliness and sanitation. Violations of this policy are considered a breach of lease and may result in eviction.
Our pet policy may be waived in part or in whole for animals that are necessary as a reasonable accommodation to assist, support or provide service to the elderly or persons with disabilities. Residents must provide proof of certification/registration/ID for Official Service Dog/Pet Registry. This exclusion applies to animals that reside in our housing and animals that visit our housing. A written waiver must be requested and obtained from the Housing Authority.
Unit Inspections
When you move in, you will conduct an initial inspection with our inspector/representative. Once completed, you are required to sign the inspection report detailing any deficiencies in the home. We will correct the deficiencies within a reasonable amount of time (30 days).
All units are required to be inspected on an annual basis. We will provide you with a written notification of the scheduled annual inspection at least 10 days prior to the date of the inspection. The inspection will include the interior and exterior of the unit/home. You will be required to sign the inspection report, containing the results of the inspection.
If the inspection reveals any deficiencies in the condition of the home, you will be given 30 days to correct the deficiencies and a follow-up inspection will be scheduled.
Note: You are responsible for providing all maintenance and basic upkeep of the home, keeping it in acceptable conditions and free from trash, clutter and debris (including abandoned or junk cars. We will monitor the condition of the unit through periodic inspections and drive-bys. Cars must have a valid license plate or it will be considered a junk car, requiring its removal from the property.
We will perform a follow-up inspection to determine if the deficiencies have been corrected. You will be notified and given the opportunity to be present at the inspection. If you have not corrected the deficiencies, we may terminate the lease agreement in accordance with the terms of the agreement or perform the necessary work and charge your account. You may receive a total of three unacceptable inspections before we result to terminating the lease agreement.
How long can a friend/visitor/relative stay at my house?
30 days.
If I was a previous tenant can I reapply?
Yes, five years after the date you left assuming you left in good standing.
Can I add another person to my household?
Yes. You need to notify CNHA of any changes to your family composition.
Are tenants responsible for repairs?
Tenants are responsible for all damages except normal wear and tear.
Can anyone apply for housing?
Yes, but CNHA has a Comanche tribal preference.
How often do I update to remain on the waiting list?
Periodically, but if you have changes such as income, family size, phone numbers, or address you need to report those changes immediately.
Does CNHA have preferences?
Yes. Comanche, Elderly, and people with families.
Can a single person apply for Housing?
Does CNHA have emergency housing?
Where are the CNHA units (houses) located?
Comanche, Caddo, Kiowa, Cotton, and Tillman counties.
How long is the application waiting list?
There is not a specific time frame, due to availability of units.