September 11, 2015

Comanche Estates Road Project Complete

hero tribal bottom border

Construction of a new 22′ wide asphalt road in the Comanche Estates addition in Apache, OK is now complete.  The new road runs from the county road into the Comanche Nation Housing Authority Comanche Estates addition and in front of each of the existing houses.

On September 11, 2015 the final inspection of the road project as approved.  Will Owens, Comanche Nation Tribal Administrator, addressed a group consisting of representatives from Housing, Comanche Nation Transportation, T & G Construction, and the BIA and thanked everyone for their involvement in the project.  Mr. Owens said the project was a long time in the making and would not have been possible without the hard work and coordination between multiple departments and organizations.  Residents of the Comanche Estates will benefit from this road for years to come.

The CNHA ensured that the road construction site was properly prepared prior to the start of the road construction phase.  That work included site survey, moved fences out of the right of way, sleeved three water lines running under the road, and moved three water meters out of the easement.

The Comanche Nation Transportation was responsible for the bidding process and contracting the road construction work.  T & G Construction from Lawton, OK performed the work on schedule.  The project was funded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs.