April 6, 2015

CNHA Employees Receive Mold Remediation Training

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On March 30, members of the CNHA Maintenance and Housing Management departments received mold remediation training.  The CNHA estimates that more than 50 families are living in older HUD-assisted homes that require mold remediation and other repairs.

The Mold Remediation Worker course is designed to provide knowledge on the sources of indoor mold and conditions necessary for indoor mold growth, potential health effects and symptoms from mold exposure.  Trained staff is now familiar with workplace hazards and safety, personal protective equipment including respirators, personal hygiene, personal decontamination, confined spaces, and water, structural, and electrical hazards.  Technical and legal considerations for mold remediation were also covered, including applicable regulatory requirements, the role of the worker, and the roles of other professionals.   More importantly, they learned how mold remediation projects are conducted, including containment and air filtration; and actual hands on work practices for removing, cleaning, and treating mold.

The training was provided by Dana Brown, Training Manager for GEBCO Associates.  Attendees of the training received certification as a Mold Remediation Worker.